Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) Mathematics 0980
The aims describe the purposes of a course based on this syllabus.
The aims are to enable students to:
• develop a positive attitude towards mathematics in a way that encourages enjoyment, establishes
confidence and promotes enquiry and further learning
• develop a feel for number and understand the significance of the results obtained
• apply their mathematical knowledge and skills to their own lives and the world around them
• use creativity and resilience to analyse and solve problems
• communicate mathematics clearly
• develop the ability to reason logically, make inferences and draw conclusions
• develop fluency so that they can appreciate the interdependence of, and connections between, different
areas of mathematics
• acquire a foundation for further study in mathematics and other subjects.
Content overview
All candidates study the following topics:
1 Number
2 Algebra and graphs
3 Coordinate geometry
4 Geometry
5 Mensuration
6 Trigonometry
7 Transformations and vectors
8 Probability
9 Statistics
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) Mathematics is tiered to enable effective differentiation for learners. The Core subject
content is intended for learners targeting grades 4 to 1, and the Extended subject content is intended for
learners targeting grades 9 to 5. The Extended subject content contains the Core subject content as well as
additional content.
The subject content is organised by topic and is not presented in a teaching order. This content structure and
the use of tiering allows flexibility for teachers to plan delivery in a way that is appropriate for their learners.
Learners are expected to use techniques listed in the content and apply them to solve problems with or without
the use of a calculator, as appropriate.